Aruba is a multi-cultural island, is rich in Art, Culture and History.
Over the years I have seen a big gap has develop between our visitors and Aruba’s authentic Art, Culture and History.
We haven’t, however, fully succeeded in reaching the entire 1+mil tourists who visit Aruba.
For the past 8 years substantial investments made by different government organizations, independent locals and others to spread the message of Aruba’s vibrant cultural and historic heritage to our esteemed visitors.
I have developed a concept using cutting edge digital-technology to communicate Aruba’s Art, Culture, Culinary experiences and History through motion picture using a 24/7, 365 day-a-year broadcast that can be accessed on any phone, tablet, tv, website, social media and hotel rooms throughout the world by developing the “Aruba Tourism TV” Channel.
With a 24/7 digital TV channel, we can broadcast what makes Aruba authentic, the truly unique things that make Aruba so interesting and inviting, all over the world. This will ensure that we stimulate the tourist market to visit our touristic attractions, while serving them a glimpse of our Art, Culture and History to stimulate them to visit our galleries, museums, cultural events, historic landmarks and sites.
With this TV channel a live broadcasting emergency platform will also communicate to our target in a event of any calamity or urgent event.
With in access 25 years of experience in media, over 14 years in broadcasting and established TV stations here in Aruba, I am confident this is the solution for many challenges we confront when communicating with our visitors before, while and after they visit Aruba.
Ishwar Daryanani
iSEA Corporate Counsel
IshMedia Studios