Thursday 16th April 2020 – 7 pm | Update COVID – 19

Prime Minister – Mrs. Evelyn Wever-Croes


To this date 1237 people have been tested.

Today one more person has tested positive. This adds to a total of 95 positive tested cases for the Coronavirus. Unfortunately 2 people have passed away.

39 patients have recuperated. This means that we currently have 54 active cases. We wish these patients a speedy recovery.

The average amount of additional cases per day is 3, which is an amount which we can manage, if the patients do not become ill.

Since the start of the Corona Crisis on the 13th of March 2020, 12 people were hospitalized, of which currently only 3 remain there.

We urge you once again to call the Diagnostic Center (280-0101) if you are feeling any of the symptoms which have been indicated. Fear or shame should not be a factor for not getting tested.

As a conclusion to what was said yesterday evening regarding what to expect after this crisis is over, one thing can be concluded, which is that our lives will be changed. Drastic changes will be made within government finances. Everyone will have to sacrifice. In the coming days, more information will be given. The Netherlands will also aid us with these changes. Changes will have to be made not only financially, but also in other areas such as Tourism, Religion, Education, and Leisure.

Models of other countries are being monitored closely to design one which will be beneficial for our island. A ‘Think Tank’, consisting of experts has also been incorporated to give advice. 3 committees in which representation of the public and the private sector are being guided by a steering committee.

Today’s appeal is for unity, because this crisis does not discriminate in race, nationality, gender or political preference. Let’s stand united to fight this crisis. Let’s do it for ourselves, for our family and Aruba.

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