
Friday 17th April 2020 – 7 pm | Update COVID – 19

Prime Minister – Mrs. Evelyn Wever-Croes

Today 61 people have been tested of which, one has tested positive. This adds to a total of 96 positive tested cases for the Coronavirus.

4 people have recuperated, bringing the total of 43 recuperated patients. This means that we currently have 51 active cases. The amount of hospitalizations has not increased, this indicates that our ‘aggressive’ form of testing is showing positive results.

Aruba has received recognition for how the government is managing the crisis.

Aruba has also gained 2nd place in the world for the amount ‘Critical Care Beds’. This gives the government space to make important decisions in the following days.

Regarding ‘Shelter in Place’, the government has instituted a special task force. This task force consists of several government departments that have the authority to visit establishments and if necessary order the establishment to cease operation.

241 establishments were visited today and 6, being Car washes and Beauty Salons,  were found to be non-essential.  To this date, 1177 establishments have been visited.

Although the government is aware of the many measures which have been imposed on the community, this has been done as measures of protection. These measures are evaluated daily and will be responsibly lessened in due time.

Nevertheless, the government is also here to help you:

  • 280-0101   any symptoms related to the Coronavirus
  • 911 other types of emergencies
  • 100 need to go to hospital or emergency room in the evening
  • 280-0505 60+ or pensioner who need to express him/herself
  • 281-0909 problems with mental health/peace
  • 567-1670 anything related to female abuse
  • 280-0707 anything related to the loss of income
  • regresoaruba@crisis.aw anything related to not being able to return to Aruba
  • Anything related to your health Call the emergency number of your local physician.

Regarding the financial situation of the island, the government has approached the Labor union for a solidarity contribution from 1st of May 2020 until 31st of December 2020, as follows:

Ministers and their advisors, members of the Parliament, government employees, employees of government-subsidized foundations and directors of state-owned companies  10% cut

Government employees, employees of state-owned companies  5% cut

Additional: Holiday allowance; premium; bonus   50% cut

This together with additional cuts in other areas will generate the amount of 90 million Aruban Florins which will become available to help those who have lost income.

The Labor union is expected to give their view in the coming week.

It is a fact however, that if we are not willing to accept and contribute now, the % will increase substantially. It is therefore urgent to reach a consensus as early as possible.

Important decisions have to be made. The crisis commission is evaluating in what way the current measures can be softened to give more breathing space. By the 28th of April 2020 this will become clear.

Aruba Tourist Channel