Sea turtles in Aruba; for how long?
The Veterinary Service, in connection with its duties with regard to the CITES Management Authority, together with Turtugaruba, wants to remind the people of Aruba once again that the capture, killing, trading and consumption of sea turtles is prohibited by law. In addition to being included as a protected species in our Nature Conservation Ordinance, these animals also fall under the international CITES convention (
During the month of May, a striking number of fatalities were found in various places in Aruba, such as at Boca Grandi, Fisherman’s Hut, Rooi Kochi and Sabana Blanco. In these places, various sea turtle remains such as shields have been found.
Both the Hawksbill seaturtle (Eretmochelys imbricate) and the Green turtle (Chelonia mydas). Unfortunately, the cause of death was poaching in some cases.
We appeal to the people of Aruba to continue to report cases immediately and if the perpetrators are known to report this to the Police so that they can be prosecuted.
These sea turtles belong in our coastal waters and play a useful role in balancing marine life.
In addition, Aruban beaches are nesting areas for sea turtles, which come to lay eggs every 2 to 5 years on the beach where they hatched. It is estimated that 1 in 1000 hatched eggs will eventually survive to continue as adults to complete their cycle. Therefore, all sea turtles have a protected status.
If you want to learn more about sea turtles, you can always contact Turtugaruba ( and if you are completely enthusiastic you can register as a volunteer. The more people become aware and share this knowledge, the greater the chance that the sea turtles will be left alone in order to survive on our Dushi Aruba.
Sea turtles in Aruba; for how long?