
Airbnb: A Hidden Crisis? Unraveling the Disruptive Impact on Aruba’s Housing Market and Local Communities

Airbnb and its Negative Impact on Local Communities: A Case Study of Aruba

ORANJESTAD – The popularity of Airbnb, the online platform that connects travelers with hosts offering short-term rentals, has skyrocketed since its inception in 2008. The platform has undeniably transformed the travel industry by providing unique, affordable lodging options for tourists, and a source of additional income for hosts. However, beneath the veneer of convenience and novelty, there are serious concerns about the disruptive impact Airbnb has on local communities and economies. This article will focus on Airbnb’s potential negative effects on Aruba, a popular Caribbean tourist destination.

The Housing Market Distortion

At the heart of the critique against Airbnb is the allegation that the platform contributes to rising housing costs. By incentivizing homeowners to convert long-term rental units into short-term Airbnb listings, the supply of long-term housing can be significantly reduced, leading to an increase in rental and housing prices. This dynamic effectively distorts the housing market, potentially creating an affordability crisis for local residents​.

In Aruba, a place known for its warm weather and beautiful beaches, there are indications that Airbnb has been linked to increasing rents, suggesting a growing affordability crisis in the city. The conversion of long-term rental units into short-term accommodations for tourists may be reducing the availability of affordable housing for local residents​.

Tax Revenue and Job Loss

Cities typically impose taxes on short-term lodging to generate revenue, which is traditionally collected from hotels. However, if Airbnb’s growth comes at the expense of traditional hotels, and if the mechanisms for collecting taxes from Airbnb or its hosts are less developed, cities could suffer a substantial loss in tax revenue. This could have significant implications for local economies and public services, which often rely on this revenue for funding​.

Moreover, the rise of Airbnb could negatively impact employment. As Airbnb hosts often perform maintenance and cleaning tasks, the shift from traditional hotels to Airbnb accommodations could lead to job losses in the hotel industry. Additionally, if Airbnb hosts outsource these tasks to third-party companies, it could potentially degrade job quality, as these roles may offer lower wages and fewer benefits compared to traditional hotel jobs​.

Community Disruption and Over-Tourism

Perhaps the most immediate and visible impact of Airbnb is on local communities. The influx of transient visitors can fundamentally alter the character of neighborhoods, eroding the sense of community and changing the atmosphere. This “revolving door” of strangers can lead to a loss of community cohesion and a feeling of alienation among long-term residents​.

In addition to these social disruptions, Airbnb can contribute to the problem of over-tourism. The proliferation of short-term rentals allows more visitors to flood into already popular destinations, putting pressure on local resources and infrastructure, and exacerbating tensions between locals and tourists​7​.


While Airbnb may bring some benefits, such as additional income for hosts and increased options for tourists, these must be weighed against the platform’s significant negative impacts. In the case of Aruba, the potential for increased housing costs, loss of tax revenue, job displacement, community disruption, and over-tourism highlight the urgent need for regulation and oversight.

Moreover, these impacts could potentially undermine the very qualities that make Aruba an attractive tourist destination in the first place. It is therefore crucial to consider the long-term sustainability of the tourism industry, and to balance the interests of tourists, hosts, and most importantly, local residents. Without such balance, the unchecked growth of Airbnb could leave lasting damage on the communities it purports to serve.

Aruba Tourist Channel